Port of Port Royal Deep Water Festival Promo
This is the motion graphic video I created for the Port of Port Royal Deep Water Festival Promo in Port Royal, SC. They are a real estate developer in Port Royal, SC. This motion graphic video was custom made to help promote a musical event at the Port in Port Royal,SC.
This motion graphic video consists of many elements and layers that I’ve designed from composite imagery, to video, to vector graphics and effects for this motion graphic video.
Motion Graphic Design / Logo Design /
Video Editing / Graphic Design /
Audio Mixing & Mastering /
Composite Imagery / Video
Motion Graphic Video:
Design & Production
Grey Ghost Properties in Port Royal, SC
Let’s Work Together
“I AM NOT A DOCTOR!” But… like any good Doctor, I like to diagnose before I prescribe. If you have any concerns with your current online marketing plan, or if you don’t have an online marketing plan, please contact me and I can evaluate what you currently have… where you currently are. Then, we can design a plan that can get you on the right path to where you want to be. All with the right focus and within a budget that you can afford. Don’t let ignorance be your toughest competitor. If the masses don’t know about you, or how you can benefit them, or even how to contact you… it’s impossible for them to do business with you. It’s not always about what it’s costing you to get the word out about your business… its what it’s always costing you if you don’t!